At SALDA we deeply believe in the principle that, in order not to lose effectiveness and harmony, the vision of the contemporary must always start from the research in the classic.

In the classic we find our origins and perfection of proportion.

In the classic we find details that embellish and perfect the horizons of the contemporary.

The origin is in the classic, whether in terms of research into forms and styles or in terms of cabinet-making and craftsmanship.

Past and future come together in the design of a piece capable of making history, in perfect Salda style.

Article 8722 brings a contemporary twist to classic lines and details: a radial straw marquetry decoration on the doors, full gloss lacquer in the same shade as the straw, crystal and natural maple interiors and a highly refined marble top.

These are the characteristics of a “theatrical” piece, for an increasingly sophisticated public in constant search of uniqueness.

The straw inlay has its roots in materials and techniques borrowed from the classic but surpassed thanks to the colour of full gloss and unusual combinations with other materials.

Two words that chase each other – classic and contemporary – merging into a style that is more than the sum of its parts.

Be inspired by our mix & match.

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