The cheerful, interesting shape of the pineapple has been a popular motif used by interior designers throughout the last years. However the pineapple as decoration is not new…already in the 18th century it was used as a symbol of power, wealth and hospitality by architects and craftsmen whom sculpting pineapples into the architecture of buildings, on gateposts, on fabrics and furniture. This curious looking fruit has inspired we too for design of our last bedroom presented during the last edition of Salone del Mobile Milano.

We have used the pineapple’s shape, colors and patterns sparingly alongside white finishings to add a colonial feel to our classic bedroom. We made precious carvings on wood and chose sophisticated textures similar to those of pineapple.

Finally we added pieces with gilded and mirror details and decorative elements to recover the historical use of the pineapple as a signifier of wealth.

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