An exciting journey through the fabrics, colors and inspirations that the whole world can give us. From stage to stage, we stop like modern explorers to discover hidden or famous corners of the planet, taking full advantage of the suggestions that lights and cultures give us at each stop.

Today we stopped on the banks of the Blue Danube

Budapest was born on the water, defined by the course of the Danube, which has shaped its customs and culture. Sinuous, in its neoclassical architecture, it impresses with its red roofs with a Mitteleuropean air. Purple, poppy red, geranium and carnation are the colours that dominate the streets.

The tenacious imprint of the literary cafes of the early twentieth century runs deep in Budapest. As in Vienna and Paris, the culture was effervescent here: music, poetry and literature still make their echoes heard in the armchairs.

A suggested luxury, a whispered and never exhibited culture.
The living room of Europe.

Budapest is a prime site for dreams (M. John Harrison)

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