Stories that deserve to be told often intertwine among the textures of a fabric.
Each fabric, each material actually makes a journey through epochs, traditions and artisanal skills, giving value to our furniture through its stratifications.

Today the stage of our long journey stops next to the remains of a wall, halfway between the North and the Mediterranean.

Because today we are going to Berlin.

Berlin has a discreet charm, not always perceptible at first distracted glance. Marked by the war, divided and reunited, renewed and launched towards the future: it is perhaps the city most immersed in the classic and contemporary in the same way.

Its multiple faces are reflected in the tones of our moodboard, between the beige of the dried lime tree seeds that fly, light, in the blue of a clear and fascinating sky even when it is leaden. A cosmopolitan and free, elegant scenario. Also in this proposal declined for the bedroom.

A city that invites you to write about itself, sitting in an armchair, with the window open to the sky.

Ich hab noch einen Koffer in Berlin. (Marlene Dietrich)

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